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  • Writer's picturerealmebyjd


I feel it was best to put this out here now - before we go any further. If you decide to join me on this journey, I would like to be completely honest with you and leave no room for confusion or misinterpretation. As we build this community, our relationship should be based on the foundation of integrity; effective communication; trustworthiness and transparency. These are the few key elements required in a healthy relationship - right? Good! So, with that out of the way, let us get into what this disclaimer is all about.

Real Me by JD is a website blog that writes about everything that is associated with personal development and self-care. I add in my own personal experiences within context, giving you a firsthand account regarding what I will be sharing. Some knowledge will come from extensive research and interviews done with my confidants.

I am new to the blogging world and in the process of setting up all the 'bells and whistles' that is associated with it [I will talk about this in depth at a later stage]. As you can imagine, having a family and a full-time job, this is not an easy task. There is a lot of planning and preparation that goes on behind the scenes to provide quality content for you [my valued readers]. With that being said - please bear with me as I establish a great strategy plan to push out as much rich content as I can once I pick up momentum when all the logistics of the foundation stage is nearing completion.

We are human. Life happens. Things will go wrong. We got to learn as we go along in some cases (trial and error method). All I ask in return is love, patience and understanding. I hope you understand that offensive comments will be removed and if it persists, I will have no choice but to remove you from participating in the comment section across the board. Please be mindful and respectful when choosing to comment. I am open to criticism and judgment as I know this will come with the territory of posting your life online or giving any opinion of any sort. By no means am I stating that I am a 'guru' or an 'expert' of any topic. I can only share what I have experienced firsthand in life. I am not trying to be perfect; I am attempting to be real with you all regarding real issues we face on a daily and there is no shame in expressing ourselves and hopefully we can help each other along the way. There will probably come a time whereby you pick up some errors and I am more than accepting and willing for you to point those out to me. My emails are open for discussions, at any time. I will respond to all emails in due course depending on my schedule - that is a promise. I will also be allowing myself the space to produce FREE printable documents in the form of a pdf download or the occasional FREE step-by-step guides [should you choose them of course]. Concluding this disclaimer, I would like to add that eventually down the line I will be engaging in some product reviews, sponsors and collaborations in the near future. I hope to network with any reputable and credible micro or macro businesses, brands and bloggers that will add high quality products / solutions and insight for you as well as myself because the connections created must be beneficial all the way around. I will make it my duty to tag those entities and stipulate the type of marketing description. This is a constant learning journey that will focus on growth, mental health, financial wellness and self-improvement - among other things.

Now that all the nitty gritty stuff is out of the way, we can finally address how I am finding this process and what it is doing for my MIND, BODY and SOUL.

  1. Freedom and a liberating feeling - being able to express myself without interruption.

  2. Exploring my passions - being able to be fully excited and immersed in work I find important.

  3. Holding myself accountable - if I have the audacity to share such personal information about myself, I should follow through and be a good role model in that regard or dare I be a public hypocrite?!

  4. Overcoming my fears - to be the person I have always wanted to be. Letting go of social norms and taking the plunge to go for it!

  5. Becoming braver and a more positively vocal version myself - all the parts of me that I hide away from the world and even from the people closest to me. [If they do discover my page and choose to read on, they will be either pleasantly surprised or completely shocked - whatever the reaction - this is a move I am taking for me, regardless.]

  6. Working on my issues and bad traits in my life i.e., bitterness/ resentment - we are always a work in progress and only one choice away from living a full life. A life and the person I have been waiting to meet after many years of healing, trauma, more healing and coasting through life.

  7. Listening and trusting my inner voice more - For years I gave others a say and power over me as to how I should dress; what I should choose as a career, where to go and when. I am much happier now since I have given myself a chance and listen to the one person who truly knows me best and that is ME. I am now enforcing my boundaries that are healthier and staying true to myself.

  8. Learning my purpose and my calling which is to help others reach their full potential - I want to get to the root cause of the pain; the self-doubt and lack of esteem and living better by putting in the work. I believe we all have the potential to be the best human being we can be.

If you've made it this far, THANK YOU! You're a real one. Keep following my journey and I hope this encourages someone, someday to follow their dreams. With anything in life, it will take work and there will be challenges. I hope you find the courage to go out there, self-discover, conquer and come back wiser and greater than before. More importantly, do it with class / do it with integrity / do it with character and GET. IT. DONE. Dreams don't work unless you do - there you have it.

Cheers for now :-)

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