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Get to know me...

Hii there,

My name is Jolene Dickson "JD".

I wanted to start off our blogging journey by introducing myself and what better way to do that by giving you all some background information about my history and my current life situation. At a later stage I will explain how I got motivated to start up this blogging platform. Please stay a while :)

I am approaching my mid 30's. I will be married for almost 4 years in November 2022. My husband and I dated on and off for almost +/- 8/9 years before we got married (if my memory serves me correctly, lol).

I have a son whom is now 7 years old. We are Christians in faith. My family is crazy and very loud. We make mistakes but we keep trying to do our best daily. I am employed full time as an Office Manager at a Ship Repair and Engineering company. Our administration and core management team is mostly operated by close relations [family and a long term family friend]. My parents are both alive (thankfully) and I am the eldest of two siblings [sister and brother]. I have two dogs, a Boston Terrier and an American Bully. They're both females and have two very different personalities, to say the least. My highest qualification is a BCOM degree in Supply Chain Management (amongst others). I love fashion, food, entrepreneurship, watching movies and documentaries, wildlife, travel, exploring new things with my family and spending quality time with my loved ones.

I am well known to be a "home-body" in these past couple of years and needless to say, I was actually the complete opposite before my son was born (how our priorities shift when we become a parent, or at least it should, in a positive way). I'm embarrassed to mention this because I am exposing myself here off the bat but here goes: I have such poor time management!!! I am late to work most days. My "excuses" are my insomnia; OCD and chronic illness - endometriosis (which we will unpack in 3x separate posts).

Now, I know that this was a lot to take in on your first visit. The truth of the matter is that I am so excited for us to be introduced and build a solid community here. Please bare with me :) If you feel like I never touch on anything specific and you'd like to ask me more questions or to introduce yourself, by all means, feel free to drop me a text in comments section and if you're shy, you can go ahead and email me privately.

So - lastly... why on earth did I start this blogging platform?? Truth is, I have isolated myself from many people I am affiliated with in order to pursue my journey of self discovery and introspection. That road can be a long and lonely road. In that process I have discovered blogging is a good way to connect to your readers, followers and develop like minded relationships. The second reason is that I have always yearned to express myself creatively without interruption or judgment and I felt this niche could really help someone out there or change a life (hopefully) if my content could resonate with them too. Side note - the opportunity to have this outlet is already pushing me outside of my comfort zone which I'm loving. Lastly I would say, platform's such as these are so great to collaborate with some amazing creators; local and international businesses / communities alike. I have a chance to really add value to the lives of others through my stories and own experiences and to me that's amazing!!

If you've made it this far, thank you for reading along. If you subscribe or decide to follow and support me, thank you so much in advance. I am ready to push myself to great heights. I hope you will join this "non-expert" "forever-student" as I embark on this new chapter. Life is a journey, we only have but one life. Let's make it count, change, hold ourselves accountable and grow together by being unique; imperfect and helping others along the way. Welcome to Real Me by JD!

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